Narrowcasting + Broadcasting = Increased Relevancy

Written by Sightly | Aug 9, 2017 4:49:08 PM

Narrowcasting – pinpointing specific audiences and giving them content relevant to their experience – is increasingly a basic expectation of both advertisers and the consumers they serve. It delivers precision and relevancy. Broadcasting, on the other hand, is known for its reach. In the digital video realm, you can have the benefits of both.

The importance of a dual approach is rooted in the reality of today: consumers live in a customized, curated world. At the same time, one-to-one ads are fantastic, but advertisers need reach too. For video ads, marketers can combine both and enjoy the targeting precision of digital with the reach of broadcast. Here are the benefits of both genres, separate and together.

Demographics deliver reach

Demographic targeting lets advertisers reach a lot more people at once – the shotgun approach. So the messaging will speak to enough consumers in the demo profile to make a demographic-based buy worthwhile.

A recent survey from Videology found that demographic targeting still has a strong hold. Some 67% of agencies and 55% of marketers still use demo targeting. So, the reality is that, despite the popularity of programmatic and interest-based targeting, demographics are still currency. But a shift to narrowcasting over broadcasting is shaking up the market and is changing the argument from an “opportunity to see” to a “seen opportunity.”

Which brings us to our next point.

Adding new layers into demo targeting increases relevancy

Behavioral targeting – the backbone of the narrowcast - is where marketers seem to be increasing their focus: Videology also reports 67% of agencies and 59% of marketers utilize behavioral targeting.

But behavioral targeting alone isn’t enough. The study suggests that a multilayer method is of increased interest to marketers – 58% of respondents said they found behavioral targeting is effective, versus 46% who thought the same of demographic targeting. Instead of relying exclusively on demographics, marketers are adding in consumer behavior and other elements. This makes the advertising more relevant with less waste – a “seen opportunity.”

Broadcasting reach + Narrowcasting relevancy = Success

Narrowcasting is available via digital media and is slowly migrating to TV, addressable TV and programmatic TV. While the future of TV advertising might be one of narrowcasting and microtargeting, demographics today are key to delivering reach.

We covered this topic in greater detail during an interview with Gerard Broussard from Pre-Meditated Media, who talked about broadcast wanting to look like digital, and digital wanting the traits of broadcast. Check it out!