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The End of Annoying Commercials is Near

Posted by Robert Helstrom on Jan 19, 2015 1:25:00 PM

It's a common lament heard around the world:

"Not THIS dumb commercial again!"

Just what is it about most commercials that make them so annoying?

Broadcasting is Just That

For decades now, the nature of broadcast media has led advertisers to cast a wide net with their messages.

bald-shampoo3Sure, that shampoo commercial reaches the intended target audience but not without tremendous over wash—that is to say, not without reaching (and annoying) a lot of people outside the target audience and subsequently wasting dollars. Broadcast technology fosters broad messages that are by necessity, broadly targeted.

The expense involved in producing TV ads and running TV campaigns also encourages volume distribution to justify the investment. Look no further than the standard measures of TV ad performance for evidence. 

Gross rating points (GRPs, i.e., reach times frequency) and thousands of impressions (CPM) aren't measures of specifically who they're reaching but how many and how often. Traditionally, quantity trumps quality, with the result being that we're all shown lots of commercials that utterly miss their marks.

Disrupting Advertising as We Know It

While TV advertising has long been the most effective instrument for creating broad awareness, its propensity for annoying viewers with broad messages delivered broadly has helped drive a massive audience shift to multi-screen video viewing.

That same multi-screen technology now creates opportunities for advertisers to produce much more relevant commercials and campaigns targeting online video viewers.

The combination of ad personalization, micro-targeted delivery, programmatic campaigns and intelligent optimization is completely disrupting advertising as we know it—enabling video ad campaigns to be run at the local level and eventually, at the individual level across all screens.

Click below to watch this 30-second video and see how together, we can help rid the world of annoying commercials:



Topics: Video Advertising, Personalized Video Ads, Audience Micro-Targeting, Campaign Automation

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