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The L-Factor Rules: Local Advertising Drives Brand Engagement

Posted by Robert Helstrom on Oct 7, 2014 5:18:00 PM

There is a famous saying coined decades ago by Tip O’Neil, former Speaker of the House that states, “All politics is local.” His point was that every elected official’s ultimate success is directly tied to his ability to address the issues that matter most his local constituents. Today, we could argue that, thanks to digital technology, “All advertising is local.” 

Woman watches national-local ad on tablet in coffee houseAdvertising has always had its greatest impact in the market surrounding each brand’s retail location or service area.

Seeing an ad hardly matters if you can’t readily buy the product or service. In other words, branding is much more effective when it’s relevant to you—when there’s a local connection. And that’s true regardless of whether a business’s products or services are delivered by company-owned stores, retail partners or dedicated agents.

The big question for brand marketers is: how well does your advertising bring your local salespeople and customers together?

As new local platforms emerge, broad “spray and pray” national advertising is becoming a legacy. It’s inefficient and costly but it continues because the new national-local platforms have only just begun to replace old systems and habits.

National branding at the local level

New technologies enable innovative marketers to:

  1. Create thousands of personalized brand commercials at scale by dynamically inserting localized content such as retail address, phone numbers, pictures of employees, maps and deals or promotions.
  2. Create thousands of micro-targeted campaigns at scale to run the commercials in the market areas, effectively transforming national advertising into high-performance, cost efficient, precisely measured, hyper-local advertising.
  3. Maintain control of brand identity and messaging across all markets, just like with broad national cam paigns.

For more details, watch this short video of the presentation Sightly's Ryan Vaspra, SVP of product and ad operations, delivered about the TargetView platform at the recent Plug and Play Retail Brand Expo in Silicon Valley for more than 700 retail brand teams, investors and tech industry insiders. Then click the button below to request a demo.

Topics: Video Advertising

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